Local Stories Struer

Photo: Destination Limfjorden

Get up close and personal with the locals in Struer and its surroundings and hear their unique stories with 'Local Stories', where selected locals take you on a tour and share what makes their place truly special.

The Japanese Garden in Struer - Local Tales
Photo: Destination Limfjorden

The Japanese Garden in Struer - Local Tales

In the center of Struer is the Japanese Garden, which is an oasis with beautiful views that can be enjoyed from the winding footpaths and bridges.

Dolphin Safari with Jyllandsakvariet - Local Stories
Photo: Jyllandsakvariet

Dolphin Safari with Jyllandsakvariet - Local Stories

Would you like to see the dolphins with your own eyes?


Mississippi Arts and Culture Center – Local Histories

Get an exciting tale of present and past when Mississippi opens the doors to their local tale.

Struer Church
Photo: Struer Turistbureau

Struer Church

Explore Struer Church, where art, history and atmosphere meet in a beautiful setting.

The Railway Museum - Limfjord stories
Photo: Destination Limfjorden

The Railway Museum - Limfjord stories

The Railway Museum of Central- and West Jutland


Natur- og kultursejlads med Færgen Venøsund - Limfjordsfortællinger

Tag på en autentisk sejltur med Færgen Venøsund, og hør en spændende fortælling om kulturlandskabet.


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