About Destination Limfjorden
Welcome to Destination Limfjorden.
At this page you can read about our destination’s articles of association, strategy, general meetings etc.

Photo:Destination Limfjorden
The purpose of Destination Limfjorden is to coordinate joint marketing and to develop products, business’, and the destination, as well as guest service within and between the three municipalities Skive, Struer and Morsø.
This is executed by:
- Joint marketing effort, in which the role of Destination Limfjorden creates visibility of the destination and tourism industry by illuminating their events and offers.
- Concrete projects and efforts, where Destination Limfjorden supports the tourism industry in collaboration within cooperation, developing new products or adjust their business model hence balancing the actual demand and comply legislations.
- Guest service activities for which Destination Limfjorden support and provides tourist the relevant information when needed
Board of Directors - Destination Limfjorden
Chairman, Peder Chr. Kirkegaard, Mayor Skive Kommune
Deputy chairman, Kristina Skøtt Pedersen, owner of Tambohus Kro & Badehotel
Hans Ejner Bertelsen, Mayor Morsø Kommune
Mads Jakobsen, Mayor Struer Kommune
Jesper Overgaard, CEO Jesperhus Feriepark
Jørgen Christiansen, owner of ’Paa Herrens Mark’
Lars Falk, Associate Professor på UCN
Strategi og vedtægter
Strategi 2020-2025
Destination Limfjorden har strategisk fokus på fælles markedsføring, produkt-, aktør og destinationsudvikling samt gæsteservice i de tre kommuner Skive, Struer og Morsø.
Strategy and article of association
Sustainability strategy
Destination Limfjorden possesses a sustainability strategy that sets the framework and direction for how we, as a destination organisation supports the development of a sustainable holiday with a wide repertoire of sustainable offers.
The strategy is Destination Limfjorden's recommendation for how we can work with sustainable destination development.
The aim of the destination is to promote and develop tourism across the land of Limfjorden with the focal point in the municipalities Morsø, Struer og Skive.