Nature Park Flyndersø

Photo: Ferievedlimfjorden

Grab your lunch box, the binoculars and the mushroom basket. Whether you enjoy nature in hiking boots, running shoes or cross-country skiing, you can look forward to unique experiences in the open sky at Flyndersø Nature Park.

The area Flyndersø - Sdr Lem Vig contains large natural resources with the fjord to the west and meadows, lakes, moors, bogs, forests and streams to the east. The area is therefore designated as pilot nature park. Flyndersø - Denmark's largest moorland lake, draws the boundary of the nature park to the south.

Spotted orchid blooms from mid-June to early August.


One of the rare protected plants found in the nature park is the spotted orchid. It grows on moist, calcareous soil - especially grassed meadows. In the nature park it is particularly found on the meadows towards Venø Bay - at Håsum Enge and in the area around Hostrup Hovedgaard. Spotted orchid blooms from mid-June to early August, depending on where it grows. Unfortunately, since it is protected, it must not be picked, but can be enjoyed by looking at it.

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