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Få en unik naturoplevelse for hele familien på denne skønne sejltur på Limfjorden.
Fur Bryghus is both a microbrewery and a restaurant. It is beautifully located on the small island Fur in the Limfjord. The brewery hosts a number of ...
On the most wonderful island in Denmark, Fur, you will find a small ceramics workshop and shop, in relation to the café ‘På Herrens Mark’. The ceramic...
Take the Limfjordscamino and let yourself be enchanted by nature and tranquility. On this journey, you can experience the scenic Fur, the delightful G...
Within it's modest area of only 22 square kilometres, the island of Fur holds a richness of diverse and characteristic landscapes. Northern Fur is do...
BispehuenStendalgraven (The Stendal mine) is Fur's largest raw material mine and the most accessible. Visitors can see the alternating layers of volcanic ash and moths in the exposed slopes.As part of the landscape finishing, a spectacular pillar of folded clay has been left close to Rød...
A large red cliff on Fur's north coast. The red rock is a rust-red sandstone rock that stands out at the beach edge below the cliff. The red rock is always red because it is washed clean by the salty water, which further reinforces the rust content of the iron content in the surface.
A small tour of about a kilometer around the old harbor at Sydfur.
Fur Church The church on the island of Fur was built before 1126 and is among the oldest in the Skive-region. The eldest parts of the church, the ap...
Langstedhuller Langstedhuller is a system of erosion gorges formed after the Ice Age. This is one of the most scenic areas on the island of Fur. In ...
Karolines Hus is a gallery at the island Fur that focuses on making art accessible to ordinary homes with changing exhibitions of lesser-known artists...
Bette Jenses HywStendal Høje which is also called Bette Jenses Hyw is a lookout post on the island Fur.Stendal Høje is the island's highest point (7...
Berit Andersen from Fur combines her passion for ceramics and craniosacral therapy, with unique works and treatments, which she shares on Instagram an...
Du kan finde inspiration til endnu flere oplevelser på Fur og få gode råd fra de lokale på deres facebookside.