© Photo:
Ginnerup Plantage - Jættestuen
A walk through the woods to the burial mounds and to the only open gallery grave in Salling.
Trip to Krejbjerg-Jættestuen
A walk through the woods to the burial mounds and to the only open gallery grave in Salling.
A walk through the forest to the burial mounds and the only open gallery grave in Salling.
This short route goes via a forest road to Krejbjerg-Jættestuen.
You follow the markings to the burial chamber. Here it is possible to crawl in and see the burial chamber in the mound. You go back the same way you came. The route is marked with yellow arrows.
Via other forest roads you can walk down to Mollerup Lake.
P: Ginnerup Plantage (N 56° 40.367’, E 8° 49.790’)
L: 1 km
Marking: Yellow