Photo:Destination Limfjorden&Destination Limfjorden
Inspiration for a

At this page, we provide advice for a slightly more sustainable vacation in Destination Limfjorden. It is our goal to make it easy for you to make simple and right choices.

The most sustainable experiences are those where you enter the nature on your own without a lot of equipment and aids. And here our land of Limfjorden is perfect. The nature of the Limfjord is full of happenings and here are plenty of opportunities to feel one with nature and become overwhelmed by nature's magnificence.

Here there are adequate opportunities for hiking, cycling, fishing, sailing, surfing or going on a waterside safari. Here there are experiences where nature forms the framework and provides you and those you care for unforgettable experiences together.

Allow yourself to be inspired to make the good and sustainable choice!

Green activities in Destination Limfjorden

Gåtur ikon


Cykel ikon


Natur ikon

Nature Park

Lystfiskeri ikon


Spend a holiday with a good and green conscience in Destination Limfjorden

Choose beaches and harbors with Blue Flag

Virksund Strand
Thomas Køser

The land of Limfjorden has more than 500 km coastline and along this coastline you will find a variety of lovely beaches and harbours.

When you go swimming, choose a beach with a Blue Flag. A beach or harbor with a Blue Flag makes an extra effort for the environment, safety, facilities and information. At our destination, approximately teen of them have a Blue Flag.

Sustainable guidelines for your holiday

We have collected 20 sustainable suggestions to make your holiday (and everyday life) more sustainable.

  1. Eat locally and purchase locale produced materials for your meals. And don't miss out on tasting our delicious oysters and mussels - directly from our Limfjord
  2. Grab your walking shoes and go exploring in the nearby area or enjoy the nature of the Limfjord without hustle and bustle of the city.
  3. Buy locally made souvenirs rather than something produced in the East.
  4. Leave the car and grab the bike. If you have not brought your bike, you can rent here
  5. Limit meat consumption - it's healthy for both you and the environment.
  6. Use the train or bus whenever possible. Then you save CO2, you arrive more rested, and you can easily explore your holiday area from the window. Find your route at or at Nordjyllands Trafikselskab if you are traveling around Mors.
  7. Sort the waste in dedicated garbage cans, hence it can be recycled.
  8. Do not leave trace in nature – bring your trash with you.
  9. Rent equipment rather than buy. We only mostly use equipment for a short time.
  10. Save on electricity and switch on only what is necessary e.g. let family phones and tablets stay at home and spend time together.
  11. Bring your own water bottle instead of buying bottled water.
  12. Take care of nature. Avoid disturbing animals and plants - especially in the destination's 12 Natura 2000 areas
  13. Stay longer! When you have spent resources when transporting anyway, stay a little longer.
  14. Make a difference – support with beach cleaning, nature conservation or spend a day volunteering at a local charity.
  15. Choose an accommodation which is eco-labelled or one that makes an effort for the environment.
  16. Shop responsibly. Buy quality over quantity. Good products last longer.
  17. Remember the shopping bag. It is always a good idea to have an extra, reusable bag for your purchasing, shopping, or picnics.
  18. Avoid waste of food. Order and buy only what you can consume.
  19. Look for the Blue Flag. A beach or harbor with a Blue Flag makes an extra effort for the environment, safety, the facilities, and information.
  20. Relax, read a good book on the terrace, play with the kids or go for a walk along the coast. Both the environment, your body and your soul will benefit from it.

Give us your suggestions for a more sustainable destination

Vandring på Kystruten i den skønne natur på Mors
Destination Limfjorden

Give us your suggestions for a more sustainable destination

At Destination Limfjorden we attach great importance for taking care of our fantastic nature, our environment, and the guest as well as locale people around us. We have a fantastic area that guests and locals will also enjoy in the future.

Help us take responsibility for a holiday at Destination Limfjorden affects the environment and people as minimal as possible. If you therefore have suggestions or good advice for a more sustainable destination, please reach out to us.


Digital Tourist Information

After ending a nice holiday, you may have brought lot of brochures home, which quickly end up in the bin. Fortunately, all brochures and information are as well available digitally – hence save the paper. On our websites you will find plenty of inspiration and information for a lovely holiday by the Limfjord.

You can as well follow us on our social medias, where you pick up inspiration for even more holiday experiences in the land of Limfjorden.

Get more inspiration here:

Destination Limfjorden © 2025