Signature events
Here you will find information about some of the most unique and exciting events held along the beautiful coasts of the Limfjord. You’ll find everything from gastronomic festivals where local delicacies can be tasted, to music and art events that celebrate the region’s rich cultural heritage
Skive Festival - Music Festival
Skive Festival is Skive's biggest event of the year. Enjoy some of the best Danish artists right on the beach next to Skive harbour.
Shellfish Festival at Mors - first weekend in June
Welcome to The Shellfish Festival on the island Mors, which takes place the first weekend in June.
Oyster and Mussel Premiere - each year in october
Welcome to Oyster & Mussels Premiere in Nykøbing Mors - Denmark's Shellfish Capital.
Apple fest
On the 12th and 13th of October, the apple festival returns to Rødding Spøtrup, promising a celebration filled with apple-related activities and cider experiences for all ages. The charming village of...
KULTURMØDET Mors - Event "Culture Meeting"
Kulturmødet Mors is a major event and a hallmark of Denmark's gathering place for conversations about art and culture.
Run To The Beat 2025
Run to the Beat
Det internationale løbskoncept Run To The Beat powered by Bang & Olufsen med ca. 3000-3500 deltagere afvikles for 10. gang den 6. september 2025. Løbet er bygget op omkring musikken...
Skive Meeting
There are vitamins for the brain and cultural experiences, when the Skive meeting puts spotlight in “A Denmark in Balance” the 20rd and 21th of May 2022.
At the Skive meeting you will find the very e...
Wooden Ship Race – Around Limfjorden
Nykøbing Mors is the capital of Mors and is once again the port of entry, when the largest wooden ship race in the Nordic countries, Around Limfjorden, begins. On September 12th, more than 65 impressi...
Morsø Festival
Morsø Festival fejrer 40-års jubilæum den 16. august 2025.
Kom og hør Scarlet Pleasure, KATO, Ida Laurberg, Shu-bi-dua 2.0, Sømændene, Double Up, Række 2.5, MD Duo, Rock about Madsen og We are the 9...